Thursday, January 29, 2015

I have a cloth diaper addiction, and a Poop Spatula...

Perhaps that's the face you are now making? 
You are safe to bet that you probably are NOT the only one doing so.. I suppose I should elaborate a little and help you to the conclusion that there is a method to my madness, because I think there is, I mean there is supposed to be...right? With my second pregnancy, I made the decision to at least THINK about Cloth diapering. I had always been glamorized by the promise of saving LOADS of money, and who doesn't love saving money?! 

"But the POOP?!" 

Yep, that's the million dollar question, and I promise to get to that, because quite frankly, it's not even the biggest "issue" when it comes to Cloth. I PROMISE! 

Did you know that the average baby can use between 6,500 and 10,000 diapers before potty training?! That's somewhere around $3,000 dollars per child, and that's TOO much for this Mamma Bear. Not to mention the chemicals that are in those little crap catchers. NO THANKS! I may not drive a prius, but I DO care about the environment (although I'm sure I should do more) I knew picking Cloth would help the wallet, Lil Buckaroo's patoot, AND the planet....and I like the idea of saying that I, Mamma McClung extraordinaire, am saving the planet one diaper at a time. That right there leads to the NUMBER ONE "problem" with clothing your cuties... ...
Hi, my name is Monnica (Hi Monnica) and I. AM. A. CLOTH. DIAPER. ADDICT. 
They are like potato chips, baseball cards, handbags, (for some spinsters) cats. You can NEVER have too many....I mean just LOOK at how BEAUTIFUL they are?! 

Oh your help is just too kind Noodle, really....

Today was diaper laundry day, and I was actually able to see how many we have
...NOT ENOUGH! hahaha
 As daunting as "Diaper Laundry Day" sounds, it actually hasn't added any extra work to my daily routine. I wash and fold about every 3-4 days. Let you in on a little secret..? I really enjoy it. I love prepping, folding, and stuffing all the pretties. Especially knowing that My lil Buckaroo's bum will be free of chemicals, and not contributing to the landfills. If Christopher Columbus had Pampers, chances are...they are STILL in said landfill. So, once all the clean fluffy butt covers are NOT so clean and fluffy, or smell-goody...Bring forth the 
 (to think, She expected a life of flippin' pancakes, or crepes...instead she got the craps! )

There she is, in all her glory. Pretty sure y'all don't need a tutorial on how she works..I'll save you the "Scoop"...(See what I did there?)  This method is only temporary until we get a NIFTY diaper sprayer. They attach to the toilet, and make life much easier. So, there you have it, I'm addicted to diapers, and I'm not afraid to tell everyone about it. ...

Speaking of "being afraid". Today, yet again, I feel like I had a little One-on-One with God through the written word. While doing my Daily devotions, I was totally brought down by one simple phrase  "Let go, and let God" Not taken directly, but my interpretation of a verse from Exodus. Serve only the Lord, and he will take care of you. THIS is so hard, I hunger for,strive for, battle for,  NEED control..... of like everything. I am the one who has the biggest plate around here, because I feel I am the only one who can do it "the right way". However, I'm slowly (and I mean S.L.O.W.L.Y. like turtle with a limp on Hawaiian time Slow) trying to convert to; It's My way, not necessarily the right way, not even completely Gods way, but hey...that's more ongoing than my loads of diaper laundry..... (can I get an Amen!) 
So, my coffee and devotions over for the day, I was reminded by the Princess that today was Pajama day at school. So, naturally, we changed out of our jammies, and put on NEW ones..because that's the normal thing to do. (Well for YOU miss "I love laundry" lady, says the sarcastic ones reading this)

 Once Princess Else was ready to go, it was just me and Lil Mr. Roo for the afternoon.
He seems pretty happy about it too! 
I SO enjoy our Mamma and son time, even if he spends most of it trying to nap. Next year the Princess starts up FULL day Kindergarten. Que my hyperventilating in 3...2.. !! 

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

January, and it's "New Car Smell" ...

Did you get a whiff? I sure hope so, because That's A Wrap! January is officially coming to a close, and we are almost one FULL month into the New Year. HOW, WHEN did that happen? I feel like I'm still cleaning up confetti and red solo cups...(I really need to get some classier drinkwear.) We are beyond ready for this new year. I am in such an Amazing place in my life, Thirty, Flirty and Thriving! Well Maybe not quite "13 going on 30" standards, but just amazing enough for this Stay at home Mamma of two Beautiful blessings.  Birthday party planning for My Princess turning 5 (ACK, I can NOT say that out loud) 

and My lil Buckaroo turning ONE! (She types through sobbing tears, and nose blows!~) 

My WONDERFUL hard working Husband, who is finally close enough to home, so we can enjoy spending precious time together. 

The addition of our SPUNKY spitfire Kitty cat Mr.Noodle (Also known as Mr. Bitey-McScratchy Pants) 

Our family is complete, and we are ready to take on the world. Well maybe not the WHOLE world, but ready for exciting changes, marvelous milestones, unexpected mishaps (hopefully not many in that category).  Myself personally,  growing as a Wife, Mother, Friend, Sister, Daughter, and closer to God. I am very much looking forward to deepening relationships, starting new friendships, and getting that list of Pinterest projects FINALLY started. So, follow our little family, as we step into many "Firsts" this year ....
YEP 2015 is going to get it's Socks ROCKED off by the McClungs, Party of 4! 
                                                                Stay Tuned!