Wednesday, February 11, 2015

(Flu)Shot to the Heart...Germs to blame

It's coming, I can't see any evidence yet, but I can FEEL it. The roof of my mouth...sore, Check. That one right nostril...stuffed, Check.  Right eye watering, double Check. Welcome head cold...I hate you. 
Ahhh, Hello old friend, we meet again

This cold and flu season has been more terrifying than the threat of Ebola!! Just when you think you've dodged the bullet, SOMEONE in your house brings it in. It's like the Kirby Vacuum Salesmen of sickness...It keeps coming back, no matter WHAT you do, or HOW MANY times you tell it to GO AWAY!! Here he is..Slurping his sickness all up in yo' face. I thought my "No solicitation" sign was CLEARLY posted, but this wonky watery eye begs to differ...

Enter my magic Flu-Shot Elixir! Over the counter medicine sometimes does nothing for me, (I feel it's due to over use, and being full of corn syrup/sugars) and Mr. Flu's sneaky way of mutating to become immune to ol' Robitussin. I don't know about You, but I really don't like putting things I can't pronounce into my (or my families) body. The "Flu-Shot" is organic, and ALL NATURAL, everything I LOVERS! 

Hello lovelies! 

This concoction is packed full of so many naturally beneficial ingredients....I don't even know where to begin! 

The Base being Fresh Squeezed Oranges, Of course Vitamin C! 

Apple Cider vinegar has a laundry list of benefits! 
I mean can you say "Cure All"?! I can! (As I start taking a shot or two every day!)
 Fresh Ginger: It is an antioxidant, anti inflammatory, and antibacterial. It can help fight off a cold better than most. Plus, it’s great for upset stomachs.
Cayenne Pepper:  It’s a metabolism booster, anti inflammatory, and antioxidant. If you’re already sick, cayenne helps shrink the blood vessels in your nose and relieves congestion. (but don't sniff'll more than likely regret that decision, I've been told)
Honey: This is one of the best ways to soothe a sore throat. Honey is antibacterial, which will help kill of germs in your throat and body, which will not only prevent you from getting sick, but help you get better. Plus, Poo Bear has NOTHING but rave reviews for the stuff! 

This little Ditty is All Natural, so you can sip freely, and STILL operate heavy machinery!
 (PHEW! I know you were all concerned about that one!) 

Grab your grocery list, and flask ladies and we kick the Cold to the curb! 
Flu Shot Elixir
Makes (roughly)  2 Cups
1-1/2 cups squeezed orange juice
1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 teaspoon (or more) honey (I used about 3tsp. organic clover honey) 
Mix, and start sippin'!! 
I put all the ingredients into a Mason Jar and Shook it harder than a Polaroid Picture. 

You can store this in the refrigerator in sealed jars for about 2 weeks. 
The cayenne give it a nice little kick, and lingers a bit, so it may not be suitable for littles.
Don't 'cha just LOVE my DIY spice jars? I will be featuring them on another post! 
 I don't think Miss Princess would willingly swig it, BUT I, Mrs. Plane Jane Palate (when it comes to spice) , had no problems with it. 
Cheers to Fighting the FLU! 

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